That is my first year here at EF Jakarta and I can say that it is the best working experience so far!
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Though moving abroad can be a daunting experience, I was impressed with how well the EF management team dispelled any concern with their friendly and warm welcome.
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Moving to Indonesia was a big move and with it came fear, uncertainty and anxiety.
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I will continue to facilitate the students’ creativity while developing their language skills

I’m going to try continue to help the students to achieve their academic and personal goals

Working with EF is my very first work experience in my whole life. I have zero imagination about working in a global company, yet a lot of worries and concerns.
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Working with EF is a unique experience. The environment is different from any other places.
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My internship as a Teaching Assistant at EF has been a roller coaster. The first time when I came in, I did not expect anything.
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Lester Clark
Nevada, United States
"There is a saying, 'Teaching is learning.' And I believe that. At the end of each class I learn something new."

Judy Calenda
Texas, United States
"One of the reasons I became a teacher is because I want to help children grow into something special. I want to make them extraordinary."

How do I teach?
"It's okay to make mistakes because it's a way to learn. If you don't make mistakes, then you won't learn anything."

Emily Cheng
Christchurch, New Zealand
"I believe teaching is for me and I will teach throughout my life."

Martin O'Connor
Liverpool, England
"One of my proud moments in teaching was when I first received student exam results. And it was the first time they passed the exam."

Alex Rudiyanto
I have been a member of the EF Swara team for 10 years. I began as a part time teacher at EF BSD City and was soon given a full time contract.
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Andrew Pike
I’m just coming to the end of my first year at EF Gading Serpong and it’s been a fantastic year.
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Okta Priyanka Tanzu
"Hi, I'm Okta. I'm a non-native English teacher here in EF Puri Indah. I've been working here for about 3 months.
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Luke Regler
I have been working for EF for over 9 years and I have worked in several centres across west Jakarta.
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Fransiscus Teja
Working at EF BSD CITY has enabled me to teach a variety of ages and levels which ultimately has helped me grow as a teacher.
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Francesco Christiaan
I am coming to the end of my first year with EF BSD CITY and must say it has been a steep learning curve.
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Mochammad Moechlis
Hello, my name is Mochammad Moechlis, and I am an English teacher at English First.
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Steven Fulia
Becoming a teacher at English First was something that felt quite impossible to me a few years ago.
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I really enjoy working at EF Taman Yasmin as it provides a great and comfortable working environment.
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Eko Yuniarto
Everyday is a different day teaching at EF. I have been teaching at EF Cengkareng for more or less 9 years.
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Oktaviani Sidik
I never thought that I would be a teacher in the future. I started to teach while I was still studying. A course recruited me to teach in their place.
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English First in Tanjung Duren offers unique opportunities in teacher development as well as encouraging personalisation in teaching methods.
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Natalie Vining
EF is a quality orientated organization and they are always developing their products and staff to ensure that they deliver the highest quality education possible.
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